Press & Publications
Academic Publications
In preparation
Raghavan, S., Karasz, A., Maier, W., Kushid, A., and Ryder, A. Understanding perinatal distress in two distinct cultural groups: A qualitative analysis.***
Karasz, A., Raghavan, S., Maier, W., Kushid, A., and Ryder, A. Culture, class and situation: exploring the sick role in perinatal distress.***
In review
Karasz, A. and Kushid, A., Maier, W., Raghavan, S., and Ryder, A.(revision). When distress becomes disorder: The context and impact of disease attributions for symptoms of social origin
Raghavan, S., Hu, D., Rendon, K. & Akoto, M. (2024) Community Heals: Lessons from Qualitative Narratives in First Generation College Students. Journal of American College Health.
Raghavan, S. & Sandandapitchai, P. (2020) The relationship between cultural variables and resilience to psychological trauma. Traumatology.
Raghavan, S. & Sandanapitchai, P. (2019) Cultural predictors of resilience in a multinational sample of trauma survivors. Frontiers in Psychology: Cultural Psychology, 10, 1-6.**
Raghavan, S. (2019) Cultural considerations in the assessment of survivors of torture: A review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 21, 586-595.
Raghavan, S., Rosenfeld, B., & Rasmussen, A. (2017). Measurement invariance of the Brief Symptom Inventory in survivors of torture and trauma. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(11)
Karasz, A., Raghavan, S., & Patel, V. (2016). ASHA: Using participatory methods to develop an asset-building mental health intervention for Bangladeshi immigrant women. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 9(4), 501-512. https://doi.org10.1353/cpr.2015.0080
Raghavan, S., Rasmussen, A., Rosenfeld, B., & Keller, A. S. (2013). Correlates of symptom reduction in treatment-seeking survivors of torture. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 5(4), 377-383.
Rasmussen, A., Nguyen, L., Wilkinson, J., Vundla, S., Raghavan, S., Miller, K., and Keller, A. (2010). Rates and impact of trauma and current stressors among Darfuri refugees in Eastern Chad. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80 (2), 227-236.
Reid, M., Palamar, J., Raghavan, S. and Flammino, F. (2007) Effects of Topiramate on cue induced craving and the response to a smoked cigarette in briefly abstinent smokers. Psychopharmacology, 192, 1, 147-158.
Book Chapters
Torres, A., Raghavan, S., & Perera, A. (2020) Cultural considerations in treating trauma related disorders in Benuto, L., Gonzalez. F., & Singer, J. (Ed). Cultural Factors in Behavioral Health: A Guide for the Helping Professional. New York: Springer.**